Policy for Recognition of Prior Learning towards training in the Associateship of Pre-hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program

PHRM748 V2.1


Document Review

Timeframe for review:                every two (2) years, or earlier if required.

Document authorisation:            ACEM Board

Document implementation:       Executive Director of Education and Training

Document maintenance:            General Manager, Governance and Standards


Revision History


Date of Version

Pages revised / Brief Explanation of Revision



Approved by Board


April 2021

Minor revisions including addition of RACGP and addition to section 4.4 re supervised placement in CCPHRM-accredited site and Training Supervisor Reports



Updated name of Training Program to Associateship (PHRMTP)


1. Purpose and Scope

This policy describes the principles and processes by which a prospective Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine (PHRM) trainee may seek recognition of prior learning gained during formal training for the purpose of obtaining credit towards the Associateship in PHRM Training Program (PHRMTP).

This policy does not apply to those seeking Recognition of Prior Experience for the direct award of the PHRMTP. Prospective applicants for Recognition of Prior Experience should refer to the Policy for Recognition of Prior Experience for the Associateship of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program.


2. Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) refers to the assessment and acceptance of evidence of relevant knowledge, skills and competencies attained through formal training in another medical education program or jurisdiction as defined by the Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges (Statement on Recognition of Prior Learning for Training Programs, 2009).

RPL may be available in the following situations:

  • Trainees wishing to receive recognition of prior learning for evidence of knowledge, skills and competencies obtained from experience or training in a training program in PHRM
  • Trainees wishing to transfer from one recognised PHRM training program to another

Applicants may receive credit for their previous training (knowledge, skills, and competencies) in PHRM, in order to be recognised as having partially met the requirements for completion of the PHRMTP.

The RPL process will assess an individual’s training against the learning outcomes and assessment of the PHRMTP. This is achieved through a comparison of evidence supplied by the applicant against the requirements of the training program, to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved and maintained required learning and performance outcomes.

RPL granted by another provider is not transferable to ACEM.


3. Principles for Assessment


The evidence of knowledge, skills and other competencies should be relevant to the PHRMTP. Validity of the knowledge, skills and other competencies is assessed through alignment with the learning outcomes of the training program(s), and consideration of content, level of training and clinical/medical experience.


The evidence of knowledge, skills and other competencies must clearly be those of the applicant and the information supplied in the application must be true and accurate.


The evidence of knowledge, skills and other competencies obtained should be relevant to the PHRMTP. The application must also contain evidence that these have been maintained and further developed.


Reliability refers to the consistency or reproducibility of the competency(ies) in question. The assessment tools used to provide evidence of possession of competency(ies) should be reliable and comparable to that used in the PHRMTP.


Equivalence requires that the evidence of knowledge, skills and other competencies must have substantial comparability to that associated with the PHRMTP. The evidence of knowledge, skills and other competencies should be such that it demonstrates comparability in terms of content, breadth of experience, level of responsibility, rigour of training requirements, assessment process, supervision and credibility of training setting.


4. Applications

Applications for Recognition of Prior Learning must be submitted to the CCPHRM using the appropriate application form be accompanied by the application fee, all required information and supporting documentation.

An application submitted under this policy must address the following:

  1. Predefined and explicit learning outcomes in the curriculum or component of a training program for which RPL is sought that align with the outcomes of the PHRMTP.
  2. A statement of evidence (defined as assessment data) from the trainee providing details of assessment undertaken that shows the equivalence between the training completed for which the RPL/CT is being sought and the PHRMTP.
  3. Evidence of equivalent program/course structure and learning environment (clinical) for teaching and learning contained in the RPL application and with the PHRMTP.
  4. A statement of supervision issued by a specialist doctor at a level equivalent to a PHRM Consultant that confirms the applicant’s ability to perform in the role of trainee at a level consistent with the learning outcomes of the PHRMTP.
  5. Any additional documentation or information that may be specifically required by the Conjoint Committee of PHRM.

4.1 Eligibility

Unless an applicant can demonstrate the existence of exceptional circumstances to the satisfaction of the Conjoint Committee of PHRM, the following criteria must be met for applications to proceed under this policy:

(a)        The applicant must be a trainee or Fellow of ACEM, ACRRM, RACGP, ANZCA or CICM.

(b)        The training and/or experience that forms the basis of this application must have been completed in the past 5 years.

(c)        The applicant must hold current general medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia or Medical Council New Zealand.

(d)        If the applicant is a Fellow, the applicant must be an active participant in the CPD program relevant to their speciality.

4.2 Documentation required

An application submitted under this policy must be accompanied by the following supporting documentation:

(a)        The applicant’s Curriculum Vitae.

(b)        A certified copy of any written in-training assessments relevant to the application, clearly showing the name and signature of the Supervisor of Training, details of the term, and site. If not available, evidence of competency in the learning outcomes as set out in the PHRMTP curriculum and a summary of training undertaken, including relevant dates, supervisors and sites.

(c)        Details of the relevant training course/program, if applicable, including the objectives, content and outcomes of the associated curriculum.

(d)        Evidence of completed CPD activities that are directly relevant to PHRM.

(e)        Any additional documentation or information that may be required by the Conjoint Committee of PHRM (additional documentation required by the Conjoint Committee of PHRM must be received at the College within two months of the date of the request being sent to the applicant).

4.3 Notification of outcome to applicant

The CCPHRM ordinarily meets four (4) times per year. Applications received will be considered at the subsequent meeting. Applications for RPL may also be considered by the CCPHRM via electronic means, as deemed appropriate by the Chair of the CCPHRM.

All applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.

4.4 Outcomes

An applicant may be awarded:

  • no Recognition of Prior Learning, or
  • partial RPL with the requirement to complete an additional supervised placement in a CCPHRM-accredited PHRMTP training site, specific Workplace-based Assessments, Training Supervisor Reports and/or final examination(s).

5. When recognition will not be considered

The circumstances in which applications for recognition will not be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a)        The application is incomplete (e.g. supporting documentation is not provided).

(b)        The recognition being sought does not comply with the necessary currency requirements described in this policy.


6. Associated Documents

  • ACEM Regulations: Regulation F – Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program
  • PHRMTP Curriculum
  • Policy for Recognition of Prior Experience for the Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine (PHRM747)