Associateship In Pre-hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program – Trainee Agreement

PHRM788 V2


1. Background

The Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM; the College), its Board and the Conjoint Committee of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine (CCPHRM), which reports to the ACEM Board, are committed to ensuring that PHRM training is undertaken in an appropriate environment, with Associateship in PHRM Training Program (PHRMTP) trainees receiving satisfactory support and supervision, and all parties informed of their rights and obligations.

This agreement sets out the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the trainees, the CCPHRM and ACEM.


2. Definitions

ACEM / the College

means the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine.


means the Conjoint Committee of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine.

‘Parent’ College

means the specialist medical college (ACEM, ACRRM ANZCA, CICM, RACGP) of which a PHRMTP trainee is a Fellow or is a currently enrolled trainee.

Training Supervisor

is a Fellow of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, the Australian College for Rural and Remote Medicine, the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, the College of Intensive Care Medicine and/or the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners who has satisfactorily completed a clinical supervision course and been formally appointed to the role of supervisor at an CCPHRM-accredited site. Some sites may have more than one training supervisor. 


Means an individual enrolled in and undertaking an ACEM training program and, for the purposes of this policy, also includes Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMGs) undertaking College requirements for the purpose of attaining eligibility for election to Fellowship of the College.


3. Trainee

3.1  Trainee Declaration

3.1.1 I will endeavour to achieve the learning outcomes of the PHRMTP .

3.1.2 I will endeavour to complete all components and requirements of the PHRMTP and to do so within the timeframe(s) prescribed by the CCPHRM.

3.1.3 I will be an active participant in my training, optimising to my benefit the training and educational opportunities available to me, and will take responsibility for my learning and acquisition of knowledge, behaviours and skill, including attendance at in- and out-of-hours educational sessions.

3.1.4 I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that all time limits and deadlines are understood and observed, including timely payment of all fees and the submission of required documentation.

3.1.5 I will participate in assessment and review of my own performance and progression.

3.1.6 I will demonstrate a willingness to accept and give feedback on my performance and the performance of my supervisors and training positions.

3.1.7 I will not share any resources from the PHRMTP ePortal without the permission of ACEM.

3.1.8 I will report concerns that I may have about a colleague(s) with the Head of Department and/or other officers of the CCPHRM, ensuring confidentiality. Concerns about the Head of Department shall be reported to the CCPHRM.

3.1.9 I will discuss issues of concern about my training and assessment, including examination results, with my Training Supervisor, or a relevant ACEM staff member (as appropriate).

3.1.10 I agree to submit all required applications, complete the relevant feedback forms and surveys, and provide all information required by the CCPHRM within the time limits or deadlines stipulated.

3.1.11 I acknowledge that the requirements of the PHRM Training Program are subject to change and that it is my responsibility to ensure I am aware of all requirements as from time to time amended throughout the course of my training.

3.1.12 I commit myself to the values of ACEM and agree to abide by the ACEM Code of Conduct as well as those of my parent College.

3.1.13 I acknowledge that email will be the primary means by which communication is maintained between me and the CCPHRM/ACEM and that ACEM staff will use the email address I designate as my primary email.  I undertake to regularly access my designated primary email account to ensure that at all time there is sufficient space in the primary email account to allow receipt of emails from the CCPHRM/ACEM, even those containing attachments that are of several megabytes in size.

3.1.14 I acknowledge that my training records may be accessed in whole or part by CCPHRM’s or ACEM’s representatives, including my Training Supervisor(s) and ACEM staff.

3.1.15 I acknowledge that ACEM collects and holds personal data for the purpose of trainee registration, for the administering of the PHRM Training Program and for evaluating my progress. I consent to having this information used for these purposes and as authorised in ACEM’s Privacy Policy.  I understand that I may contact ACEM and request to review the information I have provided.

3.1.16 I acknowledge that collecting information about patients has important privacy implications. In collecting and using any patient information it is my responsibility to ensure that all privacy obligations are met and any necessary consent obtained.

3.1.17 I acknowledge that various CCPHRM training and assessment documentation, educational resources and other materials will be provided to me during the course of training.  I acknowledge that this material is owned by ACEM, is subject to intellectual property protection and cannot be used by me for purposes other than training without the ACEM’s prior approval.

3.1.18 I acknowledge that while I may seek advice and support from my Training Supervisor, other Fellows and the CCPHRM, no Fellow or member of staff is authorised to vary the regulations or requirements of the Training Program.  Any change or variation of PHRMTP regulations, policies and requirements that I may seek must be applied for in writing, and can only be relied upon if an outcome is in writing from a Fellow or staff member with the delegated authority to make such a change or variation.

3.1.19 I release CCPHRM/ACEM and its representatives from all claims or liability arising from advice or assistance given in good faith.


3.2 Obligations

I acknowledge that as a PHRMTP trainee, I have the following obligations:

3.2.1 To abide by the professional standards of all registered medical practitioners as outlined in the professional codes of conduct of the Medical Board of Australia or the Medical Council of New Zealand as applicable and from time to time updated, as well as those of ACEM.

3.2.2 Except where otherwise permitted by the CCPHRM and/or the ACEM Council of Education, to hold general registration with the Medical Board of Australia or registration in the general scope with the Medical Council of New Zealand as applicable at all times while undertaking the PHRM Training Program.

3.2.3 To notify the CCPHRM through relevant ACEM staff within the timeframe prescribed in the regulation if my medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia or Medical Council of New Zealand as applicable expires or if, for any reason, my medical registration is under investigation, withdrawn, suspended or conditions are imposed.

3.2.4 To regularly visit the training portal and ensure that ACEM has an accurate and current record of my contact and other details, and to maintain a working email account capable of receiving correspondence and other communications.

3.2.5 To be aware of and observe all PHRMTP regulations, policies, procedures and other processes relevant to me as a trainee enrolled in and undertaking the PHRMTP.

3.2.6 To meet regularly with my Training Supervisor and to participate fully in all CCPHRM assessment and review processes, including in the development and implementation of a Learning Plan where beneficial or required.

3.2.8 If I have concerns regarding my training, it is my responsibility to initiate the process through the CCPHRM to have these concerns addressed.

3.3 Rights

I acknowledge that, as a PHRMTPtrainee, I have the following rights:

3.3.2 Whilst recognising that training sites are largely controlled by a trainee’s employing body, to a training experience that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination; where, if necessary, the CCPHRM and the relevant parent college will intervene and assist trainees to deal with these issues.

3.3.3 To avail myself of ACEM policies relating to the making of a complaint (general); a complaint specific to discrimination, bullying and/or sexual harassment; whistleblower protections; and any other similar avenues that ACEM may have in place.

3.3.4 To exercise ACEM processes available to me for the purposes of seeking reconsideration, review and/or appeal of a decision with which I am dissatisfied.

3.3.5 To meet regularly with my Training Supervisor and to receive timely and constructive feedback on my performance and advice on any area(s) in which improvement is needed.

3.3.6 To seek advice and support from my Training Supervisor and the CCPHRM, in relation to aspects of my training and my progression through the PHRMTP.

3.3.7 To receive timely communication and advice from the CCPHRM regarding training and assessment decisions, and changes to the requirements of the PHRMTP.

3.3.8 To access PHRMTP training positions that fulfil accreditation requirements set by the CCPHRM, including appropriate rostering and a clinical caseload appropriate to the level of training.

3.3.9 To appropriate supervision and clear directions of any expectations from appointed supervisors.

3.3.10 To be able to give feedback to supervisors respectfully without fear of prejudice, recrimination or reprisal in return.



4.1 Declaration

Through the CCPHRM ACEM and other participating colleges agree to provide support to Training Supervisors and other individuals involved in PHRMTP, to provide trainees with appropriate resources and support in the following areas:

4.1.1 Achieving completion of all training periods, and assessment and other requirements of the PHRMTPm.

4.1.2 Resources to assist trainees in achieving the learning outcomes of the PHRMTP.

4.1.3 The provision of appropriate supervision and having regard to the clinical setting, and regular review of performance during a placement for the purposes of support, feedback and assessment.

4.1.4 Fostering a training environment that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment in the workplace.


4.2 Obligations

CCPHRM undertakes:

4.2.1 Through its accreditation processes, to strive to ensure training occurs in suitable and appropriately resourced and supported sites.

4.2.2 To communicate training, assessment and other CCPHRM decisions in a timely manner having regard to the entirety of the circumstances.

4.2.3 To give adequate notice of changes in the requirements of the PHRMTP, including the introduction of new requirements, to which existing trainees become subject.