Policy on Former Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Trainees Re-Entering the Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program
V2.1 PHRM810
Document Review ![]()
Timeframe for review: |
Every two years, or earlier if required |
Document authorisation: |
Conjoint Committee of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine |
Document implementation: |
Executive Director, Education |
Document maintenance: |
Manager, Governance and Standards |
Revision History ![]()
Version Date Pages revised / Brief Explanation of Revision
v1 |
Jun-2021 |
Approved by the ACEM Board |
v2 |
Oct-2021 |
Revision to section 3.2 relating to former suspended trainees. |
v2.1 |
Oct-2024 |
Updated name of Training Program to Associateship |
1. Definitions
Means the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine.
Means the Conjoint Committee of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine.
Former Trainee
Means a medical practitioner who was previously enrolled in the PHRM Training Program.
Training Program
Means the Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program (PHRMTP).
2. Purpose and scope ![]()
The purpose of this policy is to describe matters relating to CCPHRM processes associated with former PHRM trainees who wish to re-enter the PHRM Training Program. This policy should be read in conjunction with Regulation F.
3. Eligibility to re-enter the PHRM Training Program
3.1 Eligibility to Apply
A former trainee who voluntarily withdrew from the PHRM Training Program is eligible to re-enrol into the program after a period of two (2) years (unless 3.2 (e) applies).
Applications for the PHRM Training Program will not ordinarily be accepted within two (2) years of the date on which enrolment as a trainee ceased. Former trainees able to demonstrate exceptional circumstances to the satisfaction of the CCPHRM may, at the discretion of the Committee, be considered within a shorter timeframe.
Applications for re-entry must be submitted on the PHRMTP enrolment form.
3.2 Ineligible to Apply
Former trainees will not be eligible to re-enrol into the PHRM Training Program in the following circumstances:
- the former trainee was removed from the PHRM Training Program for failure to pay outstanding fees;
- the former trainee was removed from the PHRM Training Program for clinical performance, malpractice, misconduct, unethical behaviour or similar grounds;
- the former trainee had been previously removed from a register of medical practitioners by a medical regulatory authority recognised by the ACEM Board for this purpose on the grounds of malpractice, misconduct, unethical behaviour or similar grounds;
- the former trainee does not meet the current eligibility requirements for entry into the PHRM Training Program as specified in Regulation F1.1;
- the former trainee voluntarily withdrew from the PHRM Training Program after an event that triggers any aspect of Regulation F2.3 has occurred, or after any process pursuant to Regulation F2.3 has commenced;
- The former trainee had been under suspension from the PHRM Training Program at the time they withdrew from the PHRM Training Program.
4. Recognition of Prior Learning
Where a former trainee re-enrols, they may wish to apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) for previous training time or assessments completed in the PHRM Training Program.
Past training time and completed assessments that were undertaken within five (5) years of the date of the RPL application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the CCPHRM to determine any RPL that can be granted toward the PHRM Training Program requirements.
Applications for RPL must be submitted on the applicable form, together with all information specified by the CCPHRM prior to enrolling in the PHRM Training Program.
5. Reconsideration, Review and Appeal ![]()
As with all College decisions, applicants have the right to seek reconsideration, review and/or appeal of a decision pursuant to the College’s Reconsideration, Reviews and Appeals Policy, and associated processes, as applicable. These processes are handled confidentially and are conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. Additionally, they serve to provide a mechanism by which any individual who is dissatisfied with a College decision can seek redress without fear of reprisal.
6. Associated Documents ![]()
- Regulation F –PHRM Training Program
- PHRMTP Enrolment Form
- Exceptional Circumstances and Special Consideration Policy (TA79)
- Policy for Recognition of Prior Learning Towards Training in the Associateship of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program (PHRM748)
- Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy (COR355)